Beatriz Ponce Carrasco
Managed Care Data Analyst at University Health Plans
I feel very humble to have been selected to receive the UUSC Professional Development Award. As I will be graduating next semester, with a Bachelor degree in Health Care Administration, this award will allow me to complete my education so I can better serve our members and the community and help them to successfully navigate the system and obtain the care that they need.
I have been able to use multiple skills and experiences learned in my classes, including how Governmental Programs are founded, how to create an efficient project development outline, and learning to value the work that goes on behind the curtains to care for a patient; these new skills have helped me to understand Health Care in a different level and allow me to achieve new professional goals.
The University of Utah has been an incredible company to work for during the last eight years. I have been able to grow professionally and personally during this time; and I am looking forward to continue learning from the incredible managers and supervisors I have, who have supported me and see me as a valuable member of the company.