We have such amazing folks on Staff Council, and we want your nominations for the 2024-25 Officers, Committee Chairs & Committee Chairs-Elect! Please feel free to nominate anyone currently on Staff Council for any of the open positions. Our nomination & election timeline is as follows:
2/28/24: Nominations open for the 2024-25 positions listed below.
3/1/24: Executive Nominations (President-Elect, Secretary, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer & Treasurer-Elect) are DUE by 11:59pm MT.
3/6/24: Executive Candidates will be voted on during the General Staff Council Meeting.
3/22/24: Chair & Chair-Elect Nominations are DUE by 11:59pm MT.
4/3/24: Chair & Chair-Elect Candidates will be voted on during the General Staff Council Meeting.