About Us
Staff Council consists of at least 30 staff members (both exempt and non-exempt) from across campus. They are appointed by the University for a term of three years, with one-third of the membership rotating off each year.
Officers of the Council include a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, each serving a one-year term. There are also at least three ex-officio members, and five alternates.
Attend Staff Council General Meetings
If you are interested in making a difference here at the U by participating on Staff Council, please attend our monthly General meetings. We have changed the way we are doing general meetings due to the large number of people attending. If you would like to attend February's meeting here are the login details:
Check out the 2023-24 Staff Council Digest!
Latest Staff Council News
Let us know if you an event or announcement you'd like Staff Council to share!
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